Jade Egg courses available One To One in person or online, with Michelle as your personal egg doula.

These intuitive teachings have been deliciously put together to inspire YOU as a modern day woman, to have the courage and heart to explore your sexuality in new orgasmic ways.

I invite you to be curious and join me on an adventure that will gently hold you, so you may unfold and allow your life to change from ordinary to extraordinary.

To love your body and your Yoni.  I mean truly love your Yoni!

Embracing your wild, erotic nature and consciously creating a life lived as a fully expressed, gorgeous Embodied Woman!

The “methods” are simple and feel so so good that fitting them into daily life will become as desirable as a hot bubble bath and your favorite bar of naughtiness.

So what are the benefits of Jade Eggs and Yoni Egg Yoga?

Some of these benefits are factual that you will read in many places and some I share from my relationship with my Yoni Egg.

Supports us in becoming more conscious of our Yoni and our sexuality in a very gentle yet profound way.

Guides us back into our bodies with a rich sense of being held and nurtured.
Self-permission to surrender into the softness of our femininity and to explore and unshame pleasure.

Encourages us to welcome pleasure into our lives in all its forms.

Increases and expands upon our experiences of pleasure.

Helps us feel grounded, anchored into our own skin and bones, feet firmly on the earth.

Awakens, stirs and supports an expression of our sensuality, our passions, our creativity.

Expands upon our intuition and therefore clarity.

Increases feelings of aliveness in whole of pelvic floor and whole of body.

Softens our relationship with our breasts.

Opens our heart.

Guides us into parts of our Woman~ness that we have not yet discovered.

Adds a boing to our bungee and a sparkle to our eyes.

Enhances our life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Entices a true surge of creativity and action.

Releases emotions and trauma that we may be holding in our reproductive organs, including perineum.

Increases flow of sexual hormones therefore supporting our sexual health through all stages of womanhood.

Expands upon and invites different tastes of orgasm.

Maintains health of our reproductive organs and vaginal tissues.

Increases strength of pelvic floor and therefore incontinence due to menopause or childbirth.

Can be an aid in releasing sexual trauma and abuse (although I do strongly feel and recommend from personal experience that any sexual trauma and abuse requires a held space with the loving support of another … a heart that can hold and witness your pain with you. I therefore suggest Yoni Healing before use of a Jade egg and then the two methods working hand in hand.)

About the course

Many Yoni Egg and Jade Egg courses are being offered online without individual or sufficient support, causing physical and emotional damage and/or trauma overwhelm.

Although I see the huge potential in this reaching greater numbers and sales, I do feel that these ancient Taoist teachings were given woman to woman, whom supported the transitions of women into their womanhood, sexual powers and succulent, sensual nature.

Jade egg has the potential to dramatically change how we think and feel about who we are in body, love and sex, so we deserve for this to be kept in the same level of intimate wisdom that it was given in centuries ago and most importantly for each woman to feel supported and that she has a place into which ask questions and seek advice.

I do not feel we would birth our babies without ensuring we had all the support we need, and this is equally so with something as sensitive exploring your woman~ness with  Jade egg. 

You want to ensure you are being given all the information you can get, the most accurate information and individual support. 

Yoni Egg sessions may be attended:

As a one to one session in person


As a one to one online.


Why not gather your friends together and  create a Jade Egg nest with a group of women?  This is available in person only. It is truly nourishing and beautiful experience to share.

The course has 3 lessons. That can be broken down one at a time, with space in between for transformation and integration.  Each  session deepening your experience, as you trust in your own ability to listen to your unique needs and desires in body, sex and love. 

You may watch a series of videos on the You Tube Channel covering all benefits of Jade Egg Teachings.

tantra teacher brighton

Course includes:


I am very, excited to be sharing your Jade Egg adventure with you ♥️

Testimonials & Praise

“I have been seeing Michelle for about 4 months now. First, I did 6 sessions of sacred touch therapy and now I have started a mentorship with her because I love her qualities and the benefits of tantric therapy so much.

When I first met her, I felt at ease with her in an instant. Before I attended my first session I was terrified and thought I’d feel ashamed and exposed during the session, but as soon as I walked through her door and saw her warm and friendly face, these feelings of insecurity faded. Attending her sessions were simply pure joy and fun and the sacred touch sessions, well, they were the best massages I have ever had. I since then went once for a “normal” massage, and it just isn’t the same. Once you’ve tasted tantric massage you don’t want to go back. I feel that tantric massage has been one of the most healing and satisfying experiences for me. And with Michelle, you can feel she is coming from a pure heart intention, and she gives herself so fully, that there is a presence of energy during the sessions that is so satisfying to the soul but hard to describe in words. I felt so loved and appreciated and my whole being was being nurtured. I always felt quite blissed out and deeply rooted after each session, with an inability to engage in day to day conversation. I also realise that I generally talk less and feel more, since doing the sessions with Michelle. I always look very much forward to Michelle’s sessions. Partly, due to the awesome human being she is as well as the gift of touch and wisdom she brings. I see Michelle as extremely kind, warm-hearted, joyful, optimistic and encouraging, always helping me to focus on the present moment. She knows that that’s where our point of power is and that focusing on unwanted thoughts and experiences is moving us away from what we truly desire.

Michelle has really helped me to begin to see myself as a beautiful, joyful being and to appreciate this unique body I am in. Since I have had the sessions, so many things in my life have changed. My life has become full and rich. My day to day experiences are somehow so much more pleasurable, I am able to see and feel the beauty in each moment. It’s like all feelings and sensations have been amplified. Everything’s more colourful, my vision is clearer, I laugh more, I have ripples of joy running through my body.

I especially enjoy the tool kit of tantric practices which I use on a daily basis, which are totally transforming the relationship I have with myself. I appreciate that Michelle taught me many valuable things, such as breathing techniques, self touch, meditations and yoni egg practice. Her focus has always been on teaching and moving me towards independence, to not rely on another for receiving pleasure, but rather to develop those qualities in myself and then share them with another person. I feel that by having given the “home play” my full attention I have gotten the most out of these sessions. i certainly believe that Michelle’s gift is extremely valuable to those who are ready to accept truly taking charge of their own lives, those with the desire to learn to put themselves and their bodies first and to accept their body as a satisfying place to be. I believe my ultimate goal in life is to be happy and Michelle has shown me that nobody can do this for me, no therapist, no mother, no lover, no partner. It is only me who can make it happen.

Thank you, Michelle.”
“Following the end of a relationship, the commencement of the menopause and then the loss of my darling mum all within one year, I was feeling physically and emotionally starved and lifeless. I felt as though I wasn’t really living, just existing and whilst I knew this was no way to go on, I also knew that I needed some support to help me to reconnect with my sense of self. For this reason I contacted Michelle with whom I have now experienced 3 tantra massages, 2 body bliss workshops and I also participated in the truly delicious, yoni egg course.

Well what can I say? In unique and different ways these experiences have been deeply healing, transformative, freeing and nurturing. In just a few months I feel as though I have gone from being like a shell, a shadow, to becoming much more a fully sensual, sexual and vibrant woman. I have so much gratitude to Michelle for helping me on this journey and I feel that I once more step out with confidence, a smile on my face and a sparkle in my eyes.

Before I met Michelle I really had no idea what to expect, just a sense that this was the right path for me to be taking at this stage in my life and I would urge anyone with even the vaguest interest in tantra healing, to follow your heart and step in. With Michelle you will be in very safe and skilled hands. From the bottom of my heart,

Thank you Michelle!!!”
“Michelle’s yoni egg meditation was nurturing and soothing. It was beautiful to explore my body, all parts of my body, with my jade egg, not just my yoni. It’s a lovely way to deepen your connection with yourself and your body. To become safely alive.”
“I decided to learn the practice of yoni egg yoga so that I could strengthen my pelvic floor, but it has been a lot more than a physical experience. It has been a deep and nourishing journey that has given expression and release to emotions, has unfolded deep layers of my womanhood and femininity giving me more confidence and clarity into my needs, my love energy and my possibilities. I felt very safe with Michelle who held me softly and heartily when I needed to let my tears out, she offered me guidance from her experience and wisdom when I needed to hear her view, she grounded me when my soul felt vulnerable and she guided me through the practice listening to my body intuitively.

Learning this practice could not have been so profound if I had opted for an online course, now so widely available, simply because I would not have had the magic that Michelle creates with her presence.”
” I kept receiving the inner prompt to use a yoni egg but didn’t really have a clue how to use one or truly what it was all about.

Michelle’s introduction was an incredible way to learn this ancient art from someone who is able to initiate you into a practice that is not just about sensual pleasure, but also about integration and healing of old relationship wounds and trauma you perhaps weren’t even aware of, but just instinctively knew was being held ‘down there’.

The yoni egg is a comforting and grounding practice on every level. Michelle is gentle, wise and the best yoni egg teacher you could hope to connect with, because her approach is completely holistic – her presence alone helps initiate a rebirthing of all parts of you.”

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