About Sacred Tantric Touch & Michelle Roberton
There is this powerful, wildness, warm & divine that flows through me, one I have tried to manipulate & “shame away” since childhood.
Our natural state of aliveness has become stagnant through forcing pleasure rather than allowing.
There was always something not quite right… quite “wholly” about the displays of sex I saw & experienced as a child.
I knew early on the people around me were not truly understanding or respecting, not only the act of sex but its limitless potential of power.
It seemed something that others perceived separate of their being, not one & part of & most definitely not of body, mind, heart & soul.
Due to my upbringing much of my teenage years & early adult hood was a mixed confusion of sexual experiences, feeling obligated, self sacrificing, shame, hunger for “more than this…”, lack of feelings & satisfaction in sex, who I was & well, life…
I entered a marriage that held the belief that sex was something disconnected, primitive & mechanical. I was a wife, a mother of four but desperately lonely… & still there was this fire that writhed its way through my insides… telling me there was more.
Much more…
All I had to do was BE silent, BE sensuous & listen.

About Michelle
My Life has been my learning.
I believe there is no greater wisdom or compassion than experience.
No intellect can guide us where it has not been.
At the tender age of 46 :) and what appears many lifetimes later, I am not sure there is any life situation I cannot empathise with.
Life has taught me well with its tapestry of colours…
…from a childhood of sexual abuse, anorexia, to drugs, to homelessness, to the loss of a son, from life threatening illness to near a death experience, from marriage to single parent hood, to the loss of both breasts.
But I sit here, writing to you hand on my heart, knowing I would not change a nano second of this life.
It has shaped me into this woman who knows no limits into sharing her “isness”, her love, who longs to guide you into delicious spaces of bliss, that just keep unfolding life… you, your body, your mind… your heart.

I am passionate about my “work” & “souly” committed to guiding others to reclaim and trust the world of body, sensation, intimacy and love, so they may connect with their “sex” & “own” its limitless power in a healthy, sacred way.
Uniting sexuality, spirituality, body & mind so that sex becomes a sharing of fullness that “spills” in rich abundance into all areas of life. No more separate pieces of who you are or what life is.
I deeply care about the “future of sex” for not only us but our children.
I believe we deserve to know & trust, our bodies, touch & intimacy.
We deserve to know our limitless potential.
We deserve sacred relationships.
I see the gift of pleasure & healing another through sacred touch
as a sensual sharing of who I AM…
I “pour” into another & this is richly rewarding.
My touch holds love given unconditionally from an open heart,
the gentle caress of my soul,
the warm radiance of inner beauty…
…the divine power of my sexuality.
Holding spaces for each body to speak to me and I deeply listen and respond to its stories and needs.
Michelle Roberton
I have been a therapist of bodywork & energy healing, intuitive/sexual trauma counsellor & voice of meditation since 2002, yet I feel I cannot tell you in truth when the path of tantra began for me, for I strongly believe it is a knowing we are all born with…
This undeniable, indefinable connection between who we are, love, body, sex & life around us.