Do you crave intimacy, to be truly known and seen, yet hide amongst the wall flowers?

Do you deeply long to feel safe in your skin, your bones, your sexuality?

Do you have a gnawing knowing that there is more to love and sex than your experience?

Are you stuck?  Stuck in resistance to your body, love, your grief?

Stuck in an abusive relationship with yourself … or another?

Have you come to the feeling, something has got to change.   Yet you are not quite sure what that allusive something is?


The Full Pocket Experience

This is an opportunity to work with me online as a one to one co-created experience, tailored to your individual journey of body, love, and sex. My intention is to Support you to live life from a felt sense of fullness, so you may create, explore, and express playfully in the world around you. Together we will ensure all sessions shared offer steps that you feel you can integrate as a sustainable daily lifestyle.

Together let's review the density of life with new eyes? And attend to wounds with gentle hands and tender touch?

Because when we unravel our challenges in life and trace that thread back to the core, we find our sexuality is not fully alive or feeling safe and free to express.

 We have through trauma, beliefs, life challenges, religion, education and culture squashed and tamed our sexual vibrancy … And so in turn our money, our relationships, our creative self, our life cannot thrive.

We lose ourselves and forget how to resource ourselves from this infinite pool of aliveness within, that can when unrestricted from sexual trauma and poor relationships with self and our body, change and enrich our experience of life.

When we reconnect with that sensual and sexual being-ness,

free from our lived traumas,

free our fears of intimacy,

free the mechanics of sex, 

free from our history of messy relationships and back to its innocence. 

We discover our essential sexual nature knows how to trust, connect, create.

Be alive. 


Work With Me
I am here to help you remember…

I am here to help you remember the safety and pleasures of bones and flesh, of breath and sex.

I am here to guide you in the creation of a daily self loving lifestyle, that builds strong ground for you to thrive upon in all areas of your life.

I am here to support you so you may surrender and immerse into:

A felt sense of belonging and safety in your own skin and bones, that enables you to reach out to others and explore in the world.

A real and raw, compassionate relationship with yourself.

A fulfilling and orgasmic life.

Rich intimacy with self and others.

Full sexual and creative freedom.

The voice to own your “no” and mean your “yes.”

Your fullest capacity for pleasure.

Who Am I?

My darling,

I am so excited you have found this page.

How amazing to know you feel curious to explore and reclaim all that you deliciously are!

I am deeply passionate about meeting you in the middle of what feels broken or scary and leading you gently towards the

remembering of the fullest expression of YOU in body, love and sex.

It feels important I share with you a glimpse of where I have grown from.

In  November 2000 I was rudely woken up to my own messy life and the trail of destruction I had created in playing out the events of my childhood on a loop of poor self worth, self sabotage and abusive relationships.  It was easy for me to love and f**king hard for me to be loved.

 Sex and love were a conflicting internal experience and one tainted with shame, fear and distrust.  My poor body had had enough of my self punishing ways and had resorted to shouting loudly in the form of a life threatening illness.

Meeting, listening to and most of all being gentle with the wounds and limitations around my body and sex has been my greatest challenge.  I will not paint it as a quick fix, easy or fluffy for nothing sincere, of quality or depth comes out of a quick fix.

It is grounding, REAL and often down on your knees RAW.

et every breakthrough allows space to breathe, loosens the grasp of a wound, a worn out fear, a “smallness”  and opens a new doorway of choice, possibilities and freedom!


For Twenty Two years I have witnessed courage and beauty in others as they have moved beyond ~

sexual trauma, crippling fear, sexual anxieties, resistance to their own skin and bones, touch, intimacy and relationships. A distrust of kindness and life. An awkwardness in movement and pleasure.

Habitual self sabotage, unloving beliefs, numbness and emotional disempowerment.

I am the mother of four fully grown, wise, compassionate, creative children.

The creator of Authentic Roots and founder of sacred tantric touch.

I share as a trauma and Tantric bodyworker and teacher.

I am a sexual trauma alchemist through lived experience. Qualified by various bits of paper.

But above all, the honest and humble tale of my way home to the sacredness of who I am, in body, love and sex.

 And so my darling,  it is because of deeply knowing the dark days and messy bits, the grief and shame this journey can churn up and spit out …  I desire to fully meet you in with a compassionate heart.

And as for the joys and celebrations … of which there are many, I will be whopping for you the loudest!

All my love

What You Will Receive:

£349 per month
A commitment of three months is recommended.
£549 per month
A commitment of three months is recommended.

Hear what others have to say.

“Michelle’s calm, gentle teaching has helped me to stop seeing my body as the enemy, and to reintegrate my mind and body. The classes have been a joy to participate in and a highlight of my week.”
“Taking part in Michelle’s yoga class was a really wonderful experience. I felt very safe and nurtured in Michelle’s presence. I really love the way that Michelle took extra special care to prepare the ground and getting the body comfortable before we even began. Giving very clear instructions and plenty of time to complete each guided move, I felt able to be fully in my body and totally present. The movements were gentle, yet very opening, so a really good combination. It felt very feminine, but in a way that I’m guessing could be satisfying for both genders, particularly people in virtually any kind of recovery, or wishing to explore more meditative states. Thank you Michelle, for a beautiful experience.”
“Michelle is a long term tantra therapist and practitioner, whose experience was completely in keeping with the content of the course. her devotion to her healing practice is reflected very much in her yoga teaching practice. She is a genuine and loving person and teacher who is able to easily create a safe space for people to explore the inner journey of yoga. She continues to develop and learn and I think crucially, in this current yoga climate, is an honest appraiser of her own limitations. Everything she does comes from the heart and with absolute honesty. The feedback from her students, is, as I would expect, that they feel cherished, loved and safe. As Michelle intends to devote her yoga teaching practice to those living with cancer, I think there could be no better person set loose on the yoga teaching world right now!”
Jude Murray
Senior Yoga Teacher & Founder of Yoga for People Living with Cancer..
“Dear Michelle, I wanted to write to explain to you how I felt after yesterday’s healing massage with you.. I was quite amazed at just how easy I found myself surrendering to your touch…and being able to be completely absorbed in the experience…feeling every stroke and allowing all other thoughts to disappear.

I have had huge hang ups since having my children with my tummy and all the stretch marks it gained…it was only 4 years ago that I I felt accepting enough of it to allow anyone else to see it….I still have times when I am insecure but that didn’t even enter my head with you…I also used to think that my yoni was perhaps not perfect as I have quite large labia, perhaps this was more due to an ex partner commenting about them, but I am slowly coming round to the belief that it is truely beautiful as it is, again not a thought about you seeing them was apparent.

I certainly felt an energy from you and cherished the heightened feelings all over my body, What you said about being able to use my sexual energy to be productive in other ways made sense, I am not sure in what way yet..but it would be amazing to be able to channel it.

Any way I feel I could go on and on talking about everything but I will leave it there for now..

Thanks again.”
East Sussex
“The most astonishing thing about my journey so far with Michelle has been my willingness to trust her completely within minutes of meeting her. Not only that, but I also placed my body and spirit entirely in her hands and expressed my desire to listen, to learn and to accept her as my tantric guide at my very first visit. This says a lot more about Michelle than it does about me. I have found some of her guidance hard but have followed it to the letter in good faith in the belief that it is helping me to become a more open and aware person than I was before. The greatest compliment I can pay to Michelle is not for her intuitive guidance, nor her angelic sacred touch, nor her soothing divine caress, nor for her beautiful mind, nor for her profound advice, not even for her bewitching smile, but that a combination of all these things has completely changed my life.”
“I still have fond memories of my tantric experience and the positive after effect it had. In fact I was traveling to the US recently and have had 2 other tantric experiences but none have quite compared to the experience I had under Michelle’s care. While I feel my journey into the world of tantra is still in its early stages I found my session with Michelle to be one of the most powerful yet. Michelle made me feel comfortable and welcome, creating a safe environment for me to let go of my fears and anxieties which allowed me to absorb and enjoy the tantric experience. The after effect was profound. The energy and self awareness that I carried for days afterward was a very new experience. So addictive too! Michelle is a true master in her field and I am very much looking forward to working with her again.”
“This was my first experience of tantric massage and I have to say how truly wonderful it was. Michelle put me at ease straight away with her manner and was very understanding when I got a fit of nervous giggles at the beginning! The whole tantric experience was just wonderful. Time and place drifted away, and afterwards I felt light and energised. A beautiful experience.”
“Michelle’s positive energy put me at ease and I felt confident and open enough to talk about anything and everything with her. The care and affection she showed me and advice and warmth she gave me, left me quite speechless and with a natural high feeling for days afterwards. I cannot recommend Michelle strongly enough.”

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