Testimonials & Praise

“Fate brought me to Michelle’s site – an article in a magazine about Yoni massage, a blogger who had written about Michelle and then Michelle’s site itself. It seemed to me that it was all meant to be, however I was beyond terrified. Being touched by others and even touching myself was deeply unpleasant. I had honed the practise of disassociation and convinced myself that touching me was repulsive to others. The time came where I knew I had to do something drastic. When you’re petrified of touch and trusting others, contacting someone to touch you seemed insane but I was in a corner and knew if I wanted to start fully living I needed her help.

I read Michelle’s site over and over again, ‘Mother wounds’ resonated with me and I innately knew Michelle would understand not only the sexual abuse but also the emotional abuse and significant ‘Mother wounds’ that ruled my life.

Paying for three sessions was a gamble but could I afford not to see her? I decided I couldn’t.

With Michelle’s quote in my mind of “All journeys in life require strong beginnings of courage, love, honour and trust” my journey began. It is a journey needing bravery( it certainly was for me) however if you 100% commit to following everything Michelle guides you to do, not only in the truly beautiful space she offers you but also her support and guidance in between sessions, the rewards will be truly magical. Already after only 4 sessions my life has changed dramatically. I was initially worried that the experience would seem sexual to me or my body would let me down again and not understand what it felt – in actuality nothing is further from the truth.

Your body and Michelle will talk between themselves in an awe inspiring way. I am not sure words have been created yet that succinctly describe what working with Michelle feels like so I would say take a risk, take a deep breath, drop her a line and press send. You and your body deserve Michelle’s guidance, her care and ultimately her healing touch.”
West Sussex/2019
“I have been seeing Michelle for about 4 months now. First, I did 6 sessions of sacred touch therapy and now I have started a mentorship with her because I love her qualities and the benefits of tantric therapy so much.

When I first met her, I felt at ease with her in an instant. Before I attended my first session I was terrified and thought I’d feel ashamed and exposed during the session, but as soon as I walked through her door and saw her warm and friendly face, these feelings of insecurity faded. Attending her sessions were simply pure joy and fun and the sacred touch sessions, well, they were the best massages I have ever had. I since then went once for a “normal” massage, and it just isn’t the same. Once you’ve tasted tantric massage you don’t want to go back. I feel that tantric massage has been one of the most healing and satisfying experiences for me. And with Michelle, you can feel she is coming from a pure heart intention, and she gives herself so fully, that there is a presence of energy during the sessions that is so satisfying to the soul but hard to describe in words. I felt so loved and appreciated and my whole being was being nurtured. I always felt quite blissed out and deeply rooted after each session, with an inability to engage in day to day conversation. I also realise that I generally talk less and feel more, since doing the sessions with Michelle. I always look very much forward to Michelle’s sessions. Partly, due to the awesome human being she is as well as the gift of touch and wisdom she brings. I see Michelle as extremely kind, warm-hearted, joyful, optimistic and encouraging, always helping me to focus on the present moment. She knows that that’s where our point of power is and that focusing on unwanted thoughts and experiences is moving us away from what we truly desire.

Michelle has really helped me to begin to see myself as a beautiful, joyful being and to appreciate this unique body I am in. Since I have had the sessions, so many things in my life have changed. My life has become full and rich. My day to day experiences are somehow so much more pleasurable, I am able to see and feel the beauty in each moment. It’s like all feelings and sensations have been amplified. Everything’s more colourful, my vision is clearer, I laugh more, I have ripples of joy running through my body.

I especially enjoy the tool kit of tantric practices which I use on a daily basis, which are totally transforming the relationship I have with myself. I appreciate that Michelle taught me many valuable things, such as breathing techniques, self touch, meditations and yoni egg practice. Her focus has always been on teaching and moving me towards independence, to not rely on another for receiving pleasure, but rather to develop those qualities in myself and then share them with another person. I feel that by having given the “home play” my full attention I have gotten the most out of these sessions. i certainly believe that Michelle’s gift is extremely valuable to those who are ready to accept truly taking charge of their own lives, those with the desire to learn to put themselves and their bodies first and to accept their body as a satisfying place to be. I believe my ultimate goal in life is to be happy and Michelle has shown me that nobody can do this for me, no therapist, no mother, no lover, no partner. It is only me who can make it happen.

Thank you, Michelle.”
“That moment you realise that someone’s work needs to be experienced because you are struggling to put into words just how grateful you are for having had the chance to work with them….

This week I worked with the profoundly gentle and yet incredibly boundaried Michelle Roberton in the form of a sacred tantric massage. When I say boundaried, I simply see a reflection of someone in Michelle who works only from the deepest purity and heart of the calling of her work.

My journey to full embodiment has been a long one and with the loving and expert guidance of Michelle – this week I felt myself viscerally and literally land back into my body. I had the sensation of giving birth to myself – my soul finally feeling safe to come into my womb centre.

I am sharing for two reasons…. firstly, because I believe this work to be beautiful, sacred and so utterly necessary for anyone who has ever felt any shame or disconnection from their body. It is time that every young girl, teen and woman knew that her body was a sacred and divine vessel. When you feel this and you know it, you understand that you cannot possibly treat it any other way. I am not excluding men, simply sharing from the experience of being a woman. Secondly, I am sharing because I didn’t undertake this work with Michelle lightly. I tend to carve out my own road for healing and empowerment. Yet I knew I wanted help and I knew that I would be held in an extraordinarily safe way. Coming into my body has been fraught with fear and trepidation for most of my life and so feeling safe and held was paramount. Thank you Michelle Roberton for the gift that you are, and the heart, purity and integrity that you hold with your work”
“Hi Michelle, I’ve been meaning to contact you for a while to share my good news. I have a lover, and we’ve been making wonderful, natural, pleasurable love and intimacy together for the past few months. I never considered that this wondrous joy was possible for me.

I really want to thank you for the help that you’ve given me to open myself up to an awareness of sensual pleasure much less shackled by conventional learning.

I give you my heartfelt thanks. You’re a wonderful person.”
East Sussex/2016
‘I just wanted to say a massive thank you to Michelle for being such a gentle, caring and inspiring guide on my tantric journey. She made me feel comfortable and relaxed from the moment I meet her. I have only had 3 sessions but I am already seeing the benefits. I have a better relationship with my body and my sexuality is reawakening in exciting and more true expression of who I am as a women. I can’t wait to see where my journey takes me.”
“I was very nervous before my first session & not sure how safe I’d be but that all evaporated as soon as I met Michelle. Having survived sexual abuse in childhood & young adulthood, I’d always felt a sense of shame about my body & was unable to feel safe within it. Michelle’s loving & accepting manner helped me to start to leave the past behind. During my yoni massage, she enabled me to feel safe, protected & accepted & I was able to allow painful emotions to be expressed & allow the shame that I’d held around sexuality & pleasure to drop away. I am now left with more of a sense of ownership around my own body, I feel safer within it & overall I feel lighter, more grounded & with a newly found sensitivity & sense of aliveness that I can’t remember ever feeling before. Thank you so much Michelle”
‘I first began looking into tantric/yoni massage as a way of healing sexual trauma about a year ago. I had experienced sexual trauma as a child and then throughout my teen years fell into self destructive behaviour when it came to men. I entered emotionally abusive relationships and completely disconnected with my body.

Sex was painful, not pleasurable, and I was often triggered by touch. Sex was a chore for me that I felt I had to do.

I was naturally anxious and afraid to contact and reach out to Michelle but from the very beginning she understood that fear. She spoke to me on the phone and gave me all the power to decide if I trusted her. My fears were reassured and as soon as I met Michelle I felt at ease.

To experience entire touch of the body without it being sexual and to have it only be about me, me coming home to my body, and me reconnecting to my body in a way that was completely on my own terms. Even after the very first session I felt more confident and more relaxed.

When I got home I sat with my body and actually felt some flicker of connection to my yoni. I could hear her, for the first time ever. I felt her pain and was finally able to begin to release it.

I had been focusing so much on therapy of the mind that I had neglected to remember the therapy that my body needed.

Michelle supported me and gave me advice, any question I had I knew it would be met without judgement and with answers full of wisdom. I have a long way to go until I am completely healed but meeting with Michelle and having my healing sessions with her have been the first real steps towards a place where I finally feel completely safe and connected.

I cannot thank Michelle enough for her support, she is not only a healer but a safe guide that is always there to hear your pain/success/happiness, whatever you want to share.

It has been life changing!’
“I’ve had problems for a very long time, my body had completely shutdown. I had developed vaginasium following a very unhappy incident in my past at the hands of my first partner. I felt completely disconnected from my body, I felt great shame and incomplete as a woman. These feelings have heightened my anxiety and depression.

I have a great counsellor (who I have been seeing since 2014) who is helping me process my past.

I needed help to reconnect to my body. To find and embrace the sexual being I could be, who I have never even contemplated I could be.

I feel that with my counsellor I am doing amazing healing of my mind and Michelle is doing amazing healing of my body and bringing my mind and body together again, as well as opening the door in my emotions that I had kept locked away – which I could then discuss with my counsellor. It’s working out incredibly well.

Michelle through her amazing skills and endless understanding has helped me begin my journey to reconnect with my body, femininity and power. I never expected to make such amazing progress in such a short while (a mere six Weeks).

The appointments with Michelle are so relaxing. She is fantastic to talk to and is always ready with advice to help. I always feel very relaxed and positive after my appointments which helps my mental health,

You also have home studies which help continue your healing process in the comfort of your own home.

I would absolutely recommend Michelle to anyone who has issues with intimacy.

I feel that with the continued support of Michelle and my counsellor I have fully rounded support.

I do feel strongly that both girls and boys as part of their sex education should be taught about the pleasures of sex and relationships as well as the pure mechanics. I wish I had know then what I am beginning to know now.”
East Sussex/2016
“For as long as I can remember . I’ve always felt very confident in my own sexuality, and always felt empowered. Life changed when I met my ex (we were together for 16 years). I was rejected, and craved for intimacy. I had to suppress myself as I thought my libido was the cause of all my marriage problems. After my marriage break up I needed to reconnect. To feel that my heart and my sexual being were one… I did research for a while until I found Michelle. She is helping me to find the woman I was.. it is a long journey but I’m accomplishing faster then all those years of counselling. Thank you Michelle!!”
“Dear Michelle,

I wanted to write to explain to you how I felt after yesterday’s healing massage with you.. I was quite amazed at just how easy I found myself surrendering to your touch…and being able to be completely absorbed in the experience…feeling every stroke and allowing all other thoughts to disappear.

I have had huge hang ups since having my children with my tummy and all the stretch marks it gained…it was only 4 years ago that I I felt accepting enough of it to allow anyone else to see it….I still have times when I am insecure but that didn’t even enter my head with you…I also used to think that my yoni was perhaps not perfect as I have quite large labia, perhaps this was more due to an ex partner commenting about them, but I am slowly coming round to the belief that it is truely beautiful as it is, again not a thought about you seeing them was apparent. I certainly felt an energy from you and cherished the heightened feelings all over my body,

What you said about being able to use my sexual energy to be productive in other ways made sense, I am not sure in what way yet..but it would be amazing to be able to channel it.

Any way I feel I could go on and on talking about everything but I will leave it there for now..

Thanks again.”
East Sussex/2014
“Michelle is a truly super lady, who is both very ‘earthy’ and yet still grounded in real-life in both her attitudes and teachings. We came to her with no prevalent sensual or sexual ‘gaps’ for a stepped change and guidance along a path that we wanted to follow and did not know how to start upon: in order to jump towards greater fun in our experiences and living and of course, heightened ‘body’ experiences. After a few sessions together with Michelle and then to our surprise alone with Michelle(!), she guided us towards and along new paths that we had not realised existed. We are a long-term married couple with grown-up children so we were excited to be able to find new goals and foci to continue our exploration of live, love and sensuality. Michelle showed us that this is a continual journey that can take us as far as we want to go and as deep as we would like: which is exactly what we wanted.”
Bill & Cecilia
“We went to see Michelle after viewing her website as we wanted to have an experience of her Sacred Tantric Touch Massage. We went with no real expectations and what we experienced was the most beautiful, honouring and deliciously loving togetherness. We were both shown, in a most respectful and honouring way, how we could be with each other and touch each other in a sacred and new way for us. Michelle is a very dedicated and experienced practitioner and a master of her craft. As a married couple we have found her teachings deeply profound for us both and we would highly recommend her to anyone, singles or couples, wishing to deepen their relationship”
John & Annie
“We can’t thank you enough for Saturday – we both gained so much from the tantric experience. You are so gentle and yet so professional in your manner that you create an atmosphere that put us both at perfect ease. We took your advice and on Sunday we lit some candles, used the lovely oil that you gave us, and truly had an amazing experience. Ben massaged me, and it was something way beyond anything that’s ever happened to me before. Clearly he is a quick learner! I didn’t worry about his back (lol) and found myself almost in another place – crying and head spinning – but all in a good way. We would love to see you again, both together and separately, so I will be in touch with some possible dates very soon. Thank you so much again for being such a wonderful teacher.”
Angie & Ben
“The most astonishing thing about my journey so far with Michelle has been my willingness to trust her completely within minutes of meeting her. Not only that, but I also placed my body and spirit entirely in her hands and expressed my desire to listen, to learn and to accept her as my tantric guide at my very first visit. This says a lot more about Michelle than it does about me. I have found some of her guidance hard but have followed it to the letter in good faith in the belief that it is helping me to become a more open and aware person than I was before. The greatest compliment I can pay to Michelle is not for her intuitive guidance, nor her angelic sacred touch, nor her soothing divine caress, nor for her beautiful mind, nor for her profound advice, not even for her bewitching smile, but that a combination of all these things has completely changed my life.”
“After Michelle’s sensitive and nurturing tantric massage I felt so alive! My body felt it had let go of carrying a heavy load, it felt freer. Her Yoni massage left me feeling so much more love for this part of my body, she helped me see Yoni as a beautiful part of me that deserves nurturing and attention. I felt safe the whole way through the massage and being my first time doing anything thing like this it felt so natural and freeing.”
“My wife and I have all the normal busy-ness of work, kids and all the other things that get in the way of having a relationship like we used to years ago. We wanted to make more time to be with each other, but found that we had lost touch. Seeing Michelle as a couple was the first step back towards exploring some intimacy between ourselves again. Michelle actually shows you what Tantra means in practice – how we can worship each other. It was a lovely re-awakening for the body, and we went away with with practical new skills for giving and receiving sensual touch. Michelle worked beautifully with us. Never was there an awkwardness about her being with us. It felt like she was a very caring guide showing us how to connect through Tantra. This is a first step and there is much more to learn. We are both grateful to Michelle for what she has shared with us. It has been wonderful to meet her and experience her beautiful energy.”
Mark & Ruth
East Sussex/2013
“I still have fond memories of my tantric experience and the positive after effect it had. In fact I was traveling to the US recently and have had 2 other tantric experiences but none have quite compared to the experience I had under Michelle’s care. While I feel my journey into the world of tantra is still in its early stages I found my session with Michelle to be one of the most powerful yet. Michelle made me feel comfortable and welcome, creating a safe environment for me to let go of my fears and anxieties which allowed me to absorb and enjoy the tantric experience. The after effect was profound. The energy and self awareness that I carried for days afterward was a very new experience. So addictive too! Michelle is a true master in her field and I am very much looking forward to working with her again.”
“Michelle’s positive energy put me at ease and I felt confident and open enough to talk about anything and everything with her. The care and affection she showed me and advice and warmth she gave me, left me quite speechless and with a natural high feeling for days afterwards. I cannot recommend Michelle strongly enough.”
“This was my first experience of tantric massage and I have to say how truly wonderful it was. Michelle put me at ease straight away with her manner and was very understanding when I got a fit of nervous giggles at the beginning! The whole tantric experience was just wonderful. Time and place drifted away, and afterwards I felt light and energised. A beautiful experience.”
“Why did I book a session? Well, to be blunt, I have in the past felt like a slave to my libido. And hearing about the healing power of tantra, I investigated Michelle’s website. When I met Michelle, I was immediately impressed by her positive reassuring manner. The massage was at first very relaxing, with the sensation of hot oils on the skin being a very pleasant one. By the end of the massage I had melted and lost myself in Michelle’s touch. Since the massage, I have found a renewed energy and a calmness that was previously elusive. I have already booked another session, and would urge anyone who is considering tantra to not hesitate, as the experience will be one that will stay with you.”
“Today I had my first session with Michelle, she made me feel totally at ease and explained everything to me before the session began. Her touch was so soft and gentle and her beautiful loving and caring nature awoke an energy in me that moved all around my body and wanted to erupt from all the pores in my body. I cannot thank her enough and I am looking forward to my next session, it can not be soon enough!”
“Early this year, I was experiencing relationship issues. For some reason I was drawn to Michelle’s website and with no real understanding of what Tantra was or could do for me, I arranged an appointment. Arriving for my first appointment I felt nervous, apprehensive and curious of what I was doing and what difference Michelle and her Tantric teaching’s could make? (wow they have, but more of that later.) The first thing which struck me, was Michelle’s ability to put me at ease and her focus on listening to understand, to understand you as an individual and to understand how she can help you to help yourself, address and over come your individual challenges through Tantric touch and teachings. Michelle’s touch and massage is one of beauty and warmth which released sensations and feelings within me, the like of which I have never experienced before. Quite simply I felt at peace within myself. Michelle’s philosophy is to share Tantra and for you to experience its beauty and learn how to maintain that for yourself.

My first teaching’s have focused on how to breathe differently whilst focusing on key areas of my body, and for me, I have already experienced repeatedly the mind calming and body sensations which Michelle initially opened with her touch and understanding. I am still going through a time of great personal change. However through beginning to understand how Tantra can help and calm me, week by week, I am improving my being and understanding of myself.”
“Thank you so much for my Tantric treatment on Friday, I was very nervous before I arrived, but as soon as you opened the door, I felt at ease, and very relaxed, you have a lovely calming voice, which of course made me feel at ease. I have to say the treatment itself was exactly what you told me it would be, your touch was so gentle, so caring and so lovely. Having my eyes closed at all times, because of the trust I had in you, the experience indeed felt very spiritual, something I was not expecting to experience. I melted into your touch and I enjoyed every minute of the treatment. I would recommend your Tantric treatment to anyone that feels their bodies need to be honoured. You are truly a modern day mystic. Let me just say here to anyone wanting to experience a Sacred Tantric Experience, you have to attend with an open mind and you need to respect Michelle’s etiquette and space. Michelle offers such a beautiful treatment… If you are looking for anything else other than the Ultimate Tantric experience, then this is not for you, but if you are looking for something special, then make sure you book a treatment and enjoy. I look forward so much to my next treatment.”
“My first experience of Tantric Massage has been everything I could hope for. Michelle made me feel at ease from the moment we met, which allowed me to simply relax and ‘be’ during my session. I can honestly say that Michelle’s gentle contact and her calm, loving nature left me with a sense of nourishment and a noticeable change to my energy and positivity. I am now inspired to learn more about Tantra and am looking forward to my next session.”
“Hi Michelle, all I can say is WOW! Thank you for the fantastic session yesterday which my mind, body and soul were crying out for. It was healing, sensual, arousing, relaxing – all at once! I have to admit to being a little nervous when I arrived but you made me feel very welcome and it was a pleasure to meet you. I would say to anyone who is reading this that is looking for a GENUINE and AUTHENTIC tantric experience to book a session with Michelle because she is incredibly skilful and will be able to guide you on a journey that so few people will ever know exists let alone experience. Thank you Michelle and I look forward to my next session!”
“Michelle’s tantric massage took me to another level. It is hard to find words to describe this sacred practice but the closest I can find is healing, divine, exquisite. I could feel my body unlocking with her tender, magic touch… moving me into a state of deep relaxation and heart opening bliss. Perhaps for the first time in my life I was shown the true power of touch. The experience felt both emotionally moving as well as comforting, healing, and nourishing for my body, heart and mind.Michelle’s pure and unconditional love helped to awaken forgotten parts of me. I felt more grounded, integrated, charged and alive after the treatment. I feel everybody could benefit from this holy, divine and ancient form of sacred temple healing.”
“Being new to the Tantric experience and not sure what to expect, I was soon put at ease by Michelle, with her gentle and comforting manner. Her touch immediately reassured my senses as I became connected with the flow she was moving within me. A wonderful experience… Thank you.”
“Michelle has a gentle, healing personality which directly comes across in her touch as a massage therapist. She not only has magical hands, but also the gift of a powerful intuition and is quickly able to sense the problem areas both physically and emotionally. I recommend her to anyone wishing to experience a deeply relaxing and healing treatment.”
“Thank you so much for the beautiful treatment yesterday. I must admit that I was nervous walking into my first Tantric Massage experience however your professionalism and tenderness put me at complete ease. Everything you did was not only wonderfully sensual and relaxing but also made me aware of parts of my body that I had never considered before. After several attempts at a multitude of different therapies I can honestly say that Tantric and the way you have introduced it to me has by far had the most profound effect. I am so looking forward to continuing on this journey with you. Thank you again for introducing me to Tantric Massage and for re-introducing me to my body.”
“Before I arrived, Michelle and I discussed things to put my mind at ease. I wanted to know if I had to be naked and how similar it was to having a ‘normal’ massage. Michelle is very easy to talk to. Down to earth, matter of fact, yet very caring, she listened to my questions and also answered those that were hovering around my lips and hesitant to come out. She’s very intuitive! Arriving, I felt nervous but that, strangely, immediately left me on entering the room. It was warm and welcoming and we sat and chatted about what was going to happen and I was asked what my boundaries were and she also explained what hers were. At all times I felt totally comfortable and more importantly, cared for. Michelle is warm and friendly and I left feeling nurtured and blissed out. She works from the heart and is very supportive if any emotional blocks get released. All I can say is, more please!”

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