Tantric Reflection ~ Expansion. Pause.

michelle roberton

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They say the universe is always expanding and therefore it makes perfect sense that so are we.                                         

Yet if we feel into the universal expansion … into the subtle.  There is not a continuous expansion as we presume it to be but a spongey pulsation that takes a pause after each expansion.  That does not contract to where it came from but takes a pause into the expansion to rest, to gather itself, to consolidate … to readjust, to settle.

To know itself a new before the next expansion.

To expect ourselves to be always expanding … to force upon ourselves growth … to try (such an unloving action) to squeeze ourselves into an expansion we are not quite ready for … Is not authentic… organic… trust, or flow.  Self kindness.


To believe we must always be expanding without pause allows no space for the beauty of grace.

Watch where you feel yourself pushing through the pause.

Pushing to the next thing, the next step and how your body resists and asks you to come back home …

Just for a pause. 

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