The Healing Benefits of Yoni Massage.

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In Tantra we call the vagina, “yoni.”                                                                                                                                           

This is a Sanskrit term which when translated reveals a whole new perspective of the vagina. A meaning that holds love & honour.  She is called “sacred space” or “sacred temple”.

I feel this Sanskrit translation is a beautiful reflection of how the yoni is seen, touched & respected in tantric massage.

This way of “being” in relationship to the yoni, is I feel not only important for men to integrate into their understanding & sexual journey of the female genitals but women also. 

Too often in Western society, the yoni is seen as a separate, private part to our whole body & life. We call her “down there” or our “private part”.  We feel her function in life is only for sexual pleasure, sexual relationships or for the birthing of a child.

I am so often asked why tantric massage includes the yoni & lingam … & my answer is why not? 

Our genitals are not private parts of our body, nor are they separate parts to who we are, to only be invited to “come out to play” for special occasions.  Without the acceptance of the yoni, the lingam & our sexual essence we cannot fully embody our soul & our passions into our daily lives. They are sacred parts of the body of which when seen & touched from a space of love are no different to any other part of your body that you allow touch, pleasure & healing.

Your yoni has a “voice!”  She has secrets to tell, ancient feminine wisdom to share, guidance to your fulfilment to offer, emotions & pain to release. 

Pleasure & healing come hand in hand, as our bodies relax & release withheld trauma & tension.  Your shoulders, your neck, your jaw line holds the stresses & traumas of life … your yoni is no different.

In fact she is so sensitive, that she is more susceptible to store unhealed emotions of the past & present.  It is not unusual when using sacred touch on a yoni for a woman to feel overwhelmed with different emotions ranging from anger, isolation, rejection, shame to ecstatic pleasure.  I am there to guide & support a woman through the expression of all of them … to unleash whatever may arise to be seen & accepted with unconditional love.

A Tantric massage has no goals; it is a very present experience of the senses that unfolds. Therefore orgasm & climax are not an aim.  It may happen, it may not … that is neither here nor there or my intention as a tantric therapist.

Yoni massage is not a form of masturbation. It is not about “getting a woman off” nor is its intention sexual.  It is a very conscious & present form of healing & loving touch.

To be totally present for another allows the body & yoni to melt & let go. If orgasm or climax does occur it is a healing experience rather than sexual &  not something we have tasted before … The orgasms are deeply nourishing & satisfying for the body & yoni, the body moves into a state of bliss & wholeness for it has been recognised as a “whole” often for the first time.  It is an expansive feeling of mind, body & soul bringing a sense of unity with our woman~ness.

 This is of great personal importance to bring a woman in tune with her own womanhood, to open the doorways that reveal a strong, open, sexually empowered, sensual woman ~ not simply for the man in her life, but firstly for herself, her daughters, her sisters … 

I am sure the list of the benefits of a yoni massage has not reached its limit as tantra brings something new & fresh to each unique individual I have had the honour of working with. But to bring light upon this ancient practice that can be seen with such a limited view, I have provided you with a few healing experiences that conscious sacred touch of the yoni may bless our lives with …

A yoni massage ~ 

Supports a woman in witnessing & accepting emotional pain be that from sexual trauma, abuse, difficult sexual relationships or trauma experienced in childbirth.

It supports the healing process of ~

Painful menstruation,

Irregular menstruation,


Low sex drive,

Pain in sexual intercourse.

The inability to feel safe in one’s own skin

Fear of intimacy

Fear of touch

Lack of trust in relationships,

Lack of respect for one’s own sexuality, reducing promiscuity.

It invites into a relationship with another~

An ability to trust

A willingness to be vulnerable,

An ability to surrender,

A connection of rich depth, unity & intimacy

Nourishing & satisfying sex for the mind, body & soul.

It allows a wide range of orgasms & climax experiences never tasted before, for the woman to immerse herself into for personal exploration of her body & femininity ~ revealing, deepening & expanding her sensuality & sexuality.


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Michelle Roberton – Jones







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