Things That Make You Go Mmmm…

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What brings you pleasure?

What sparks the light of your soul in your eyes … ignites the fire of life, passion in your belly, your body?

What causes that unstoppable urge for you to sing & YES!! sing LOUD.

What brings a dance to your step … a warm, enfolding note to your voice, your presence …  a deep, sensual hush to your breath?

What gives you from the inside out, that feeling of naturally expanding & expanding … making love with the stars, the oceans … the Universe?

Let more of these things into every moment … these things that make you go “Mmmm”   
If you enjoyed this post please like & share the love ♥  You are warmly welcome to share your own experiences, stories & comments below with other readers.All words are Copyright Protected  to  Michelle Roberton – Jones


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