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Is ejaculation orgasm?

Ejaculation and orgasm are two separate things.
I recently had a lady say to me “I did not know that was possible, let alone a thing.”
And we are don’t because we are not taught this within our sexual education, thus keeping our sexual experiences limited to one flavour.

I would compare ejaculation to a clitoral orgasm. It feels like a sneeze. There is an intense build up and then a quick and short release.

Which sometimes can feel very wonderful to have that quick release from our body but it can also feel unfulfilling and leave us empty and hungry for more.

Ejaculation is when a man releases semen.  We have attached that word to orgasm.  We can separate that.

Orgasm from my truth, is a feeling … a sensation in the body, that builds within our body. We have been taught and so habitually suppress and contain this sensation to our genitals but without that lid of tension holding the sensation so tight to one area of our body, we can allow this sensation to expand and to flower and to move through the whole of our body.

This “allowing”  creates this feeling of ecstasy, bliss … expansion and no mind.

Sometimes we have accidentally stumbled upon this experience but we can make space and allow this to be our sexual experience… a different flavour…  If we learn to separate Ejaculation from orgasm.

I do not necessarily agree with trying to retain Ejaculation.  If it happens it happens, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.
But there are ways in which a man can rewire and re-educate his body to allow space for orgasm to happen and to not connect Ejaculation and orgasm as one way but to experience and play with them as two individual experiences.

It’s kind of like when we are taught to ride a bike a certain way and then someone comes along and says “Oh have you tried it this way as there is this whole new experience you could have when you ride your bike.”

If we approach this new idea as play and experimenting and being curious about the experience of Ejaculation and the experience of orgasm and how we can disconnect them into two individual choices, then we release the pressure of “ I must retain my Ejaculation.”
If we focus on technique, this is trying too hard, pressure, control … not pleasure or play, or allowing an experience to organically arise from body intelligence.  It is restriction around technique.

Our bodies already know how to do this but we have been taught and therefore structured our Sexual experiences around that limited education. And so it is about de~ structuring and disassembling all we know and coming back again to the true nature of our sexuality and relearning how to ride that bike again. ❤️





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