Should My Tantric Massage Be Kept A Secret From My Partner?

tantra massage for lovers

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Now this is a question that on some level deeply saddens me… & my answer is               

NO. Don’t hide it…  share your experience with your partner.”

I am aware of the stigma that comes with tantra, due to western society’s very slightly wonky idea & “trashing” of such an ancient method for life … & therefore understand why men in particular feel that they should keep their appointment secret from their partner.

But there is no shame, no guilt, nothing dark or seedy in visiting an authentic tantric therapist… & keeping it secret only “feeds” any unhealthy beliefs built up around “owning” our sexuality & allowing pleasure in our lives.

I am not here offering a sexual service or to provide you with something that your partner cannot because believe me, there is no competition! To share tantra with someone you already trust, love & are intimate with, well the electrifying waves of bliss travel much deeper & are far more mind blowing than any massage.

My intention as a  tantric therapist is to ~

  • support others in releasing old & tired limiting beliefs around sex or their own sexuality.
  • support others in feeling alive & safe in their own skin.
  • support the healing of sexual wounds, fear of intimacy, love & most certainly ~ touch.
  •  support others in “owning” their sexuality & standing in all their confidence, beauty, vulnerability & strength as an amazing independent woman/man.
  • to bring an understanding of the nourishing value of loving touch & sensuality.
  • to teach a whole new meaning & deeply fulfilling experience of sex.
  • to create harmony within between sexuality, spirituality, mind, body & soul.
  • to stoke the embers of the fire bringing “mojo” back into daily life, creative expression & relationships.
  • to guide others into understanding the full potential of their “sex” energy beyond the mechanics of sex & lust & to integrate this into their own self awareness, relationships & daily living.
  • to support a deeper knowing of  self & a richer connection with others.
  • to help others taste & understand the true meaning of orgasmic bliss & the limitless benefits this gives to our state of mind, the health of our bodies, the expansion of our consciousness & our ability to live & love honestly & authentically. 

My passion is to “teach” others through tantra that sex, our sensuality & sexuality, loving intimate relationships with “self”  & in turn those around us is a natural human experience we all seek, need & want, not something to hide, shame, fear or run away from.  

So yes!  Please don’t shame our sessions away as a dark secret, I totally respect it may take some courage & maybe a little reading together on the world wide web, but …

Take what you learn & feel in your tantric sessions into your lives & back home to your lovers.

Share it ~ don’t hide it.   ♥



Please feel welcome to add any comments to this post or ask any questions on the subject of tantric massage  & I will do my best to answer.

Warm Wishes ~ M x  






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