Do I have to be naked during a tantric massage? 
This question is answered by each individual, to be perfectly honest with you. I do not believe in one set way of being or doing, for everybody’s needs are different.
During a tantric massage it is the “norm” for you as the receiver to be naked. This is so the whole body maybe honoured & aroused through sacred touch whether that be for healing or pleasure. Your genitals are not separate to your body or who you are … they hold as much tension, emotions & trauma as the rest of the body & so massage of the lingam & yoni are highly beneficial to your whole being.
Tantra bridges the gap between spirituality & sexuality, mind, body & soul.
Some individuals who experience difficulties in feeling safe with intimacy & touch, have been sexually abused or find sex painful, feel more relaxed to keep underwear on for their first massage until a foundation of trust has been built between us & they feel themselves relaxing into my touch … as a tantric therapist, this is perfectly acceptable.
I follow the lead of each individual I meet & “listen” to the unfolding of your body. ♥