When Our Sex Feels Lost And Dormant In Grief.
“I felt her sorrow, timidly come to my fingertips and breathe a sigh of relief. As if suddenly there was a sanctuary willing
Through the sharing of my words, I offer you an invitation to explore your curiosities and rediscover your sexuality.
This blog is a tapas of suggestions and inspirations, born out of my own curiosity,
to bring new possibilities of experiencing sex as a vibrant, fully switched on sexual being.
Please feel most welcome to comment and share your own adventures.
All my love
“I felt her sorrow, timidly come to my fingertips and breathe a sigh of relief. As if suddenly there was a sanctuary willing
This week “your Curiosity” was “what is sacred masturbation?” I believe Sacred can be bought to all areas of our life when we look
Exploring Sexual Freedom~ So we may live as a sexual being, free from the bonds of trauma. The suppression of addictive patterns, BS beliefs and
During these unusual times we find ourselves in, the opportunities to receive and share touch with others has been restricted. Our bodies are hungry for
What is Tantra? And what do I mean when I say “living orgasmically?” The Body Knows podcast hosted by the beautiful Marcela and Mat Wakeham
Often when we deem something as wrong, it becomes the centre of our focus and in the relationship of sex, this can make a partner
Multiorgasmic man is a term you may have heard before. The potential for a man to separate ejaculation from orgasm, allowing him the
When we start to explore Yoni Eggs on the internet, we can find ourselves a bit bamboozled by the various types of stone on offer.
The awareness of Jade egg has grow has rapidly grown, introducing this ancient practice alongside kegal exercises and vaginal Kong Fu! I am not sure
Sacred Tantric Touch
Have a look at my other website,
Michelle Roberton – sexual trauma and abuse alchemy.
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